Tips to Keep Your Teeth Stain-Free

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A brighter smile will boost your confidence. Having whiter, stain-free teeth makes people look and feel better. Town & Country Dentistry offers two advanced teeth whitening options, Opalescence, and Zoom! in-office and in at-home kits, for a healthier and more youthful look.

Yellow or dark, stained teeth can rob you of your beautiful smile. You do have some control over tooth discoloration by avoiding foods and drinks that impact tooth color. If you ingest food items that will stain your clothing, chances are, they will discolor your teeth over time if you eat or drink them regularly.

List of Foods and Beverages That Stain Your Teeth More Easily

The following items are some of the worst culprits:

  • Red Wine
  • Soda
  • Grape, or Cranberry, Pomegranate Juice
  • All Berries
  • Coffee
  • Soy Sauce
  • Any Tomato-Based Sauce
  • Tea
  • Candy
  • Beets

Now, these foods do not need to be completely eliminated. Most of the listed items offer valuable nutrition. It is just important to understand how to prevent stains after eating them. Rinse your mouth thoroughly after eating any of these foods. To prevent having any stains, we recommend you also brush your teeth.

List of Foods That Will Naturally Help Your Smile

It is important to know which foods lead to discoloration, and which options can naturally improve your smile. Many of us are aware that certain fruits and vegetables scrape the tooth surface clean during chewing. But there are additional food items that will also naturally help brighten your smile.

  • Apples
  • Cauliflower
  • Onions
  • Celery
  • Pineapple
  • Nuts and Seeds
  • Carrots
  • Milk, Yogurt and Hard Cheeses
  • Cucumbers
  • Basil

Have Brighter Smile Through Whitening Treatments

If you want faster results, adding specific teeth whitening foods might not work best for you. You can achieve a brighter smile through the whitening treatments available at the dentist in Granville. Our Opalescence and Zoom! Teeth whitening treatments produce visible results in one visit.

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