Procedure and Most Common Reasons for Tooth Extraction

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Tooth extraction is a dental procedure that is essential for those individuals who suffer from excessive tooth decay, tooth infection, trauma, extremely loose tooth, overcrowding of teeth in the mouth. It is generally done by a general dentist, a periodontist, or an oral surgeon. 

If your dentist suggests tooth removal, it may seem a little worrying. If the tooth of a human cannot fix it with a filling, crown, or other dental treatment, then dentists recommend extraction when there is not enough room for all your teeth in their mouth.

Wisdom teeth come in during the patient’s late adolescents or mid-20’s. And if your wisdom teeth are tough, the best way to avoid any trouble is wisdom teeth removal.


Two types of tooth extraction depend upon the condition of the tooth.

Simple Tooth Extraction

General dental specialists do simple extractions under the anesthetic, with or without anti-anxiety drugs or sedation. The surrounding areas become numb around your tooth, so you will feel just pressure, not pain, during the technique. 

In simple tooth extraction, the dentist loosens the tooth with a tool called the elevator. The elevator assists to break down the tissues supporting the tooth and extend the hard attachment which holds the tooth. In most cases, pain medication is adequate for pain management after these methodologies.

Surgical Tooth Extraction

Surgical tooth extractions are more complicated and they come under local anesthesia and/or conscious sedation. It may be necessary for a tooth that has broken off at the gumline. Surgical tooth extraction is an operation done by dentists near me or skilled oral surgeons.

Surgical extractions require some type of surgical procedure like bone removal. People with unique medical conditions may receive general anesthesia when pulling teeth including a medical procedure. You may also receive prescription pain medication for utilizing following careful teeth teeth-pulling techniques.

Tooth Extraction Preparation

Wisdom tooth removal is one of the most common categories of tooth extraction. Before tooth extraction, the dentist takes an X-ray to determine the best way to extract the damaged tooth.

Also, the dentist will audit the patient medical and dental history to confirm that you do not have any allergies or previous conditions that could cause a complication during the procedure. Apart from this, with the help of an x-ray, the doctor can study the tooth’s shape, a position as well as which type of tooth extraction is suitable for their tooth.

During a simple extraction, the dentist will give you local anesthesia to numb the affected area around your tooth. Whereas, general anesthesia, though rarely essential, may be required in certain cases of wisdom teeth removal. After the tooth extraction, the dentist stitches the surgery tooth or additional procedures to control the bleeding.

Reasons for Tooth Extraction

Below are the common reasons behind tooth removal:

Tooth Decay

Nowadays, tooth decay is the most common cause of tooth extraction. Major causes of tooth decay are sugary, sticky foods, beverages, and cavity formation in the tooth. This problem occurs in human life when an individual does not properly clean their tooth, food debris remains in the gaps in between the teeth. 

Bacteria act on food particles that are held up between the teeth. At that point, bacterial plaque structures on your teeth and utilizations the food you ate to create acids. These acids gradually separate the hard enamel covering your teeth. The decay penetrates through your tooth layers. And, voila. You have a cavity.

Gum Disease 

Gum disease affects the gums and the bones that support the teeth. The high-level stages of gum infection cause the degeneration of the gum tissue, tendons, and bone that help the teeth. As the supporting elements of the teeth start decaying, the teeth become weak and loose.

The gum illness will make the teeth fall out on their own. Sometimes, the teeth may require complete removal, alongside gum infection and tooth substitution treatment.

Overcrowded Teeth

The tooth extraction is necessary to eliminate the overcrowding in the mouth. If the patient’s teeth are overcrowded then an experienced orthodontist may suggest the extraction of permanent teeth. 

When the dentist extracts the teeth, there will space available for the teeth to move. This will help the patient bite correctly and also modify the alignment of the teeth. In addition, tooth extraction for teeth that are overcrowded is mostly seen in teens and kids. Our dentist near you also welcome patients residing in Granville South, Park Ridge, Welsh Hills, Edgewood Dr, and nearby communities. Call us now to book an appointment with our dentist near you.

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