7 Reasons Why You Need Root Canal Treatment

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Root canal treatment involves the removal of pulp tissue that may be dead, injured or infected from your teeth. When the nerves in your teeth become infected, a successful root canal treatment will allow you to keep your tooth rather than have it extracted.

Most people who have decayed or infected teeth are treated and saved each year with the treatment’s help. The process gets rid of pain and makes teeth healthy again by treating the inside of the teeth. This will include the pulp that contains blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue and thus creates healthy development of the tooth.

If a decayed tooth is left untreated, the infection could spread rapidly. The treatment has a very high success rate and is recommended by many dentists.

It has the following advantages:

  • Saves your original tooth
  • It gives a natural appearance
  • Promotes effective chewing
  • Relieves your toothache
  • No more tooth sensitivity
  • Protects dental pulp, which plays a role in the formation of a new tooth.

7 Reasons and Conditions That May Require Endodontic Treatment

1.Deep decay/tooth Decay-They are permanently damaged areas in the hard surface of your teeth that develop into tiny openings and cause infection in the pulp nerve.

2.Crack or chips in the teeth-they occur due to biting down on hard things, falls/accidents, bruxism cavities, poor hygiene, which exposes teeth nerves, thus increased tooth sensitivity.

3.Repeated dental procedures on the tooth- increased dental procedures on a particular tooth make it shallow, thus necessary for root canal treatment.

4.Need for healthy teeth, and natural Ones-What happens if you do not get a root canal? A person will lose the tooth; eventually, managing the extraction will be more difficult than expected. That’s because the infections weaken the entire tooth. Having the procedure helps you to repair the damage before it can weaken the tooth to a further degree.

5.Badly fractured Tooth-Ignoring a damaged or a painful tooth can cause more harm to it, thus seek endodontic treatment.

6.Faulty crown/leaky fillings- dental crowns that are faulty cause swelling, inflammation of the tooth surrounding a crowned tooth, increased pain, or sensitive ones shall need a dentist’s lookup.

7.Gum Infection-Contaminations from gums can transmit to the teeth’ roots, especially common amongst persons with unhealthy habits and smoking.

Steps of the Treatment

  • The dentist observes and x-rays the tooth and administers local numbing.
  • A dental dam is then used to segregate the infected tooth. It will also ensure it says free of saliva during the procedure.
  • An opening is made in your tooth’s crown.
  • The infected pulp is detached. This will require removal of the entire pulp to ensure no risks of infection.
  • A gum-like material called gutta-percha is used to fill the space in the tooth left by the removal of the pulp to avoid reinfection.
  • Lastly, a crown is used to cover the tooth to reinstate its shape and appearance.

The treatment gets over in a day. However, at times more than one visit is required to the dentist near you. For such cases, a temporary filling is placed in the crown opening to protect the tooth between dental visits.

It would be best if you reduced chewing on the tooth under repair. This will prevent your tooth from breaking and also minimize the risks of recontamination.

The Length of the Procedure

This treatment normally takes one or two visits to your dentist. Sometimes you may need other appointments for the crown installation. The healing process will depend on the health of the patient and the nature of infection that the tooth had.

Is it Painful?

Through modern procedures and anesthetics, most patients today feel comfortable during their process. Some might feel a little distressed during the initial few days after the treatment, which can be because of the pain or infection present before the surgery.

Post-Treatment Expectations

Your tooth becomes dead after the treatment. Due to the removal of nerves, the tooth does not sense anything. Nevertheless, it will continue being functional, as long as it doesn’t get infected again.

You will get antibiotics to ensure that no risks of infection arise. Root canal treatment is a better, cheaper option than replacing it with an implant.

The treatment can help you maintain your natural and lovely smile. It will also lessen the future dental procedures you may require. With proper care, the procedure can help your teeth last a lifetime.

Contact or visit Town & Country Dentistry for more information on the treatments and why it may be what you need. Our dentist will assess your infection’s severity and help you decide on the best course of action.

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